Monday, November 9, 2009

Infiltração jihadista (12)

Daniel Pipes elenca um conjunto de crimes cujos fortes indícios de motivações religiosas as autoridades policiais e judiciais norte-americanas preferiram não valorizar:
  • [S]laughter of the Armanious family (husband, wife, two young daughters), Copts living in Jersey City, N.J., (...) Christian Egyptian immigrant[s] who dares engage in Internet polemics against Islam and who attempts to convert Muslims to Christianity. (...) Somehow, the prosecutor missed that all four members of this quiet family were savagely executed in the ritualistic Islamist way (multiple knife attacks and near-beheading); that Jersey City has a record of Islamist activism and jihadi violence, and that the website carried a threat against Hossam Armanious: "We are going to track you down like a chicken and kill you."

  • The 1990 murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane by the Islamist El Sayyid Nosair was initially ascribed by the police to "a prescription drug for or consistent with depression."
  • The 1999 crash of EgyptAir 990, killing 217 - by a co-pilot not supposed to be near the aircraft's controls at that time who repeated 11 times "I rely on God" as he wrenched the plane down - went unexplained by the National Transportation Safety Board.

  • The 2002 purposeful crash of a small plane into a Tampa high-rise by bin Laden-sympathizer Charles Bishara Bishop went unexplained; the family chimed in by blaming the acne drug Accutane.

  • The 2003 murder and near-decapitation in Houston of an Israeli by a former Saudi friend who had newly become an Islamist found the police unable to discern "any evidence" that the crime had anything to do with religion.

A decisão de não admitir as motivações religiosas para alguns crimes violentos não ocorre apenas nos EUA:

  • The 1993 attack on foreign guests dining at the Semiramis Hotel in Cairo, killing five, accompanied by the Islamist cry "Allahu Akbar," inspired the Egyptian government to dismiss the killer as insane.

  • The 2000 attack on a bus of visibly Jewish schoolchildren near Paris by a hammer-wielding North African yelling "You're not in Tel-Aviv!" prompted police to describe the assault as the result of a traffic incident.

  • The 2003 fire that gutted the Merkaz HaTorah Jewish secondary school in a Paris suburb, requiring 100 firefighters to douse the flames, was described by the French minister of the interior as being merely of "criminal origin."

  • The 2004 murder of a Hasidic Jew with no criminal record as he walked an Antwerp street near a predominantly Muslim area left the Belgian authorities stumped: "There are no signs that racism was involved."

Num outro postal Pipes analisa um conjunto adicional de crimes cuja motivação parece ser religiosa, em número considerável.

A persistência na decisão de não ver qualquer indício de jihad nestes crimes pode ser, ela própria, crime de negligência por parte das autoridades. Se as autoridades policiais e de investigação se recusam a aceitar que alguns crimes podem ter motivação religiosa, não é de esperar que os políticos se vejam forçados a tomar medidas que previnam este tipo de ocorrências.
Se os media se recusam a aceitar que um indivíduo mate outros por razões religiosas, os cidadãos nunca sentirão necessidade de se organizar para se proteger, nem de exigir protecção das autoridades.

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