Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"A Europa está perdida"

Jamie Glazov entrevista, para a Frontpage Mag, Dave Sheskin, canadiano, major na reserva das Forças Armadas Israelitas (IDF - Israeli Defense Forces), que serviu também a Mossad, onde se especializou em islamismo e sharia.
Da entrevista, destaco duas passagens; a primeira diz respeito à islamização da Europa - a qual, segundo Sheskin, se encontra para lá do ponto de retorno -, e ao ponto da situação nos EUA e no Canadá:
«FP: From what you seem to be saying, Europe is drowning in the face of Islamization. It’s also been allowing toxic elements to nest on its territory. What can be done? Is it too late for Europe to save itself?

Sheskin: With approximately 52 million Muslims now residing in Europe, most experts believe that the European demographics are challenged. In my opinion, it is too late for Europe to save itself (destaques nossos). The radical component of this aforesaid group is increasing dramatically, and they do not conform to the host society. They would prefer that the host society adapt to their laws and customs. This clashes directly with our democratic ideals, and if we are not careful, we will eventually face the same fate.

FP: Your thoughts on our confrontation with Radical Islam and Sharia Law?

Sheskin: We have not yet experienced much conflict with the radical Islamists, but if we fail to regulate and control the immigration laws of this country, Canada, we stand to relinquish our right of self-expression, self-determination and democracy as we know it. Should we remain complacent and fail in our endeavor to prevent the radical Islamists from settling here, there will be more than just a confrontation; a holy Jihad will more than likely be the penalty.

This is the last bastion of western civilization to be conquered by them, and they have emphatically said so many times. The United States of Islam and Canada is the name that they would love to see waving in the breeze on an Islamic Crescent flag. And let there be no doubt whatsoever that we are the ultimate prize for them. Once their numbers have substantially increased, it will be our children, grandchildren and all generations to follow that will have to face the consequences of a confrontation that we can not win.

Using Quebec as an example, the Muslim community in that province has grown and exploded since the last census taking, and their increase in permitted immigration there has swelled by more than 140% within the last decade. If ever they get the opportunity to propagate here as they have in Europe, over 52 million we will become a minority people within mere decades. Unfortunately, our government has done little to prevent them from settling here in large numbers, and they are enjoying the freedom we offer.


As far as Sharia Law is concerned, we are already witnessing the consequences of allowing them even a limited amount of freedom in that area in England, Belgium and Denmark. Sharia requires its followers to engage in Jihad through whatever means possible, and if not for any other reason, that should be enough for us to have Sharia Law banned in this country.

Sharia explicitly calls for the use of violent techniques that are designed to create fear amongst the so-called infidels, and whoever stands in the way of a potential Muslim theocracy would be easily eliminated. The suppression and brutalization of women and persecution of our gay society must never be permitted to take hold here. All we have to do is take a drive through Detroit, and see what Sharia Law has done there. Such immoral practices of religious justice stems from the Qur’an itself, and it is cruel. Their oppressive and barbaric laws can contribute nothing to the betterment of our society, or for that matter, even theirs.


FP: What has Sharia Law done in Detroit?

Sheskin: A few months ago, I drove through a sector of Michigan called Dearborn. I stopped at a red light and took advantage of the brief interlude to survey my surroundings. I could have sworn that I was back in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. The men were walking a few steps in front of the women, as was customary, while the women all covered in dark shades of burkas’ and hijabs trailed a fair distance behind pushing baby strollers. That on its own was proof enough for me that Sharia Law was observed.

However, there were other indicators as well. The Sharia courts in Detroit and surrounding areas are authorized to settle family disputes without the consent of the US courts, and use shaming tactics as a tool for punishment. That is also legal. They have their own religious policing unit that operate independently from the local authorities, and recently, so-called ‘infidel residents’ have stated that they do believe that “honour killings” are carried out, and the bodies disposed of in secluded areas of the state that are not easy to get to by the state authorities. (...)»
A outra passagem que gostaria de destacar diz respeito à capacidade de resistência de Israel e do resto do mundo ocidental:

«FP: Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Israel’s and the West’s ability and capacity to defend itself against Radical Islam?

Sheskin: This may sound bizarre, but I do believe that radical Islam and its followers will ultimately self-destruct in time. Israel most definitely has the means to protect herself from this enemy, because we have grown to know precisely what they stand for and what their intentions are towards us. Should they ever attempt to draw us into a place that we wish not to go, they will experience the wrath of a nation and its inhabitants who have had enough of their threats and verbal intimidation.

I would want to see the Western world be more prepared then they are. As of this moment, I do believe that Israel is better equipped to handle radical Islam. We are fortunate to have friends such as Canada and the United States for supporting us. If need be, we would do the same for them. In addition, I believe that Moammar Khadafy of Libya and Ahmadinijad of Iran spew so much hatred, that it is an endeavor on their part to convince themselves that they are superior to us. To be able to prove that is another issue; and I certainly hope that they do not push us too far. Our reaction would be very severe and unforgiving. (...)»

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