Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fatwa condena apóstata à morte

Um imã da Guiné Conakri condenou um dos seus seguidores à morte por apostasia, depois dele se ter convertido ao catolicismo.
Até aqui a notícia não tem nada de especial para quem se dedica a conhecer o islão e vê notícias destas todos os dias. Apenas um pormenor faz destacar esta notícia do ruído de fundo permanente de ódio e de morte que nos chega do islão: o condenado é filho do imã:
«(...) Lamine Yansané's (...) father is a revered imam who sometimes leads Friday prayers. (...) after Mr. Yansané married a Catholic woman and abandoned Islam for Christianity, his father disowned him, and Friday prayers have featured a call for his death (...).

(...) A report from a Conakry lawyer (...) quoted another Boké imam who was persuaded Mr. Yansané's father would follow through on the threat. The father considers Mr. Yansané's actions "a true humiliation and an affront to his honour," the lawyer reported, adding that "he never stops saying he will seek vengeance against Lamine."

A letter from a priest in Boké was similarly dire, describing Mr. Yansané's father as "one of the fundamentalists who do not accept their children changing religion: They are born, live and die Muslims."

In June 2008, the National Post reached the father, El Hadj Aboubacar Yansané, in Boké and he warned his son to stay away: "He knows what will happen. It would be dangerous for him to come back to Boké," he said.

Following that interview, the imam repeated his threats during Friday prayers (...). The handwritten letter to Mr. Yansané from his friend Mamady Chérif in Boké reported that his father had announced during Friday prayers that he had learned his son was in Canada. Mr. Chérif said Mr. Yansané, Sr., called on the faithful to contact their countrymen living in Canada to inform them of the fatwa he had issued against his son.

"My friend, I beg you to change your address and avoid meeting other Guineans; in my opinion the best solution to preserve your life is to leave for a neighbouring country," Mr. Chérif wrote. (...)»

Via Vlad Tepes e Jihad Watch.

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