Monday, October 5, 2009

Recurso a Vaclav Klaus (2)

Segundo noticia o Times Online, Klaus não parece estar disponível para empatar o processo até uma suposta vitória dos tories nas próximas eleições em Inglaterra. Diz, com razão, que deviam ter pensado nisso antes. Afinal, estão fortemente representados no parlamento inglês e sem o seu voto favorável o tratado não teria sido aprovado.
«The last hurdles for the Lisbon treaty — and to Tony Blair’s chance of becoming Europe’s first president — seemed to fall away yesterday when the Poles pledged to sign and the Czech President warned David Cameron that it was “too late” for him to stop the document taking effect. Vaclav Klaus signalled that he would pass the treaty once it had been reassessed by the Czech Constitutional Court, a process which could take some weeks but is unlikely to last until May or June, when Mr Cameron hopes to take power and then hold a referendum.
EU leaders hope to decide upon both their new president and foreign minister, the position of High Representative also created by the treaty, at their summit in Brussels at the end of this month. The decisions could well be provisional, however, pending President Klaus’s final assent. The Czech Constitutional Court will announce in two weeks’ time a timetable for its latest inquiry, demanded by senators close to President Klaus and widely seen as a delaying tactic.
Asked after an anti-treaty march in Prague whether he had a message for Britain, President Klaus said: “I am afraid that the people of Britain should have been doing something really much earlier and not just now, too late, saying something and waiting for my decision.” (...)»
O golpe está consumado.
Aclamemos a fundação da União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas da Europa, com presidente e ministro dos negócios estrangeiros (não eleitos por sufrágio universal), com rede diplomática e tudo.
«(...)Besides the two new jobs, the treaty creates an External Action Service for the EU — effectively a Foreign Office, with embassies around the world. (...)»
Como ontem adiantámos, as pressões sobre Klaus são imensas, de fora e de dentro da República Checa.
«(...) Jan Fischer, the Czech Prime Minister, will attend talks in Brussels on Wednesday designed to keep up the pressure on his President to ratify. (...)»

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